Travel Itineraries
Our itineraries include our recommendations on where to go, what to see, and even suggestions on where to dine and stay. Other features include money saving ideas, travel tips, and background information when available.
The itineraries are downloadable in a PDF format. If you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file, you can download a free copy at Adobe's website.
Hershey in the Off-Season
Type: Day Trip
Price: $3.99
Just because HERSHEYPARK is closed, it doesn't mean you can't have a great time in Hershey, PA!
This itinerary provides you with all the details you need, including addresses, phone numbers, prices, mini-reviews, suggested touring schedule and dining options, insider tips, and more!
It also makes a great second day in town if you are visiting HERSHEYPARK in season! |
Scranton Rails
Type: Day Trip
Price: $3.99
Looking for a great day trip, without breaking the budget? Scranton, Pennsylvania fits the bill, especially if you are interested in railroad history.
Putting a perfect trip together can be a hassle, taking time away from other things in your already busy life. takes care of the research for you, by putting together these great itineraries, with all the information you'll need to have a great time. |
Civil War Weekend
Type: 2-Day Trip
Price: $4.99
For three days in July of 1863, Union and Confederate forces fought through the streets and fields around Gettysburg in one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War.
Today, there are a number of attractions, museums, and shops centered around the historic battle, along with other things to do for travelers to enjoy. Our two day itinerary will help you get the most out of your trip! |
Travel Guides (Coming Soon)
Our travel guides will feature the best of a specific destination or region, including attractions, restaurants, hotels and more.
Touring tips, money saving ideas, and more will also be included.The travel guides will be downloadable in a PDF format. If you need Adobe Acrobat to view the file, you can download a free copy Adobe's website.
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